Also, I don't think I answered your 2nd question. Many sites use the lingo like this... Q $1/1 (product here) 11/02 SS, basically it means the coupon can be found in the 11/02 issue of the Smart Source insert from that Sunday's paper. Did this answer your question?!? Please let me know if not. =)
Ah ok, so insert is inserted in the paper? Red Plum sounds familiar, but sorting through my junk mail, couldn't find anything. I get coupons/ads from Ralph's and the like, but i don't buy the paper. Is it worth it? It's just me and my husband, so we don't really need as much food, just need to save as newlyweds aren't famous for having money, right? ^__^
Yes, they are in the middle section of the Sunday paper where you get the Target, CVS, etc adds. My little secret for don't have to get the paper. I sometimes get multiple inserts just by stopping by coffee houses, i.e. Starbucks and riffling thru the paper bin. I have found at least 2 extra inserts every time I have been in there. =) Worth a shot if you don't want to subscribe or buy the paper. I also would suggest getting onto b/c they have a huge coupon database and they have IP's (internet printables) that can be just as good if not better than the manufacturer's Qs! And... (wink) you can always load Q's from onto your Ralph's card. =) I hope I didn't confuse you. I just wish I would have found coupon'ing earlier in my wedded life. =) Granted it was only 5 1/2 years ago, but I think about all the savings we could've experienced. However, I know that God has introduced this to me now to help me save money for our growing family. God Bless!
Do you know if we get the Red Plum insert in SoCal?
And what an insert is inserted in when people just say suchnsuch day's inserts?
Yes, the LA Times usually carries a Red Plum, Smart Source and sometimes a Proctor & Gamble insert.
And, I get a batch of store ads from the area in a Red Plum Insert. It doesn't have Q's like the Sunday paper, just ads.
Also, I don't think I answered your 2nd question. Many sites use the lingo like this... Q $1/1 (product here) 11/02 SS, basically it means the coupon can be found in the 11/02 issue of the Smart Source insert from that Sunday's paper. Did this answer your question?!? Please let me know if not. =)
oh and your local paper usually will carry the Sunday inserts also. Sorry for so many replies! =)
Ah ok, so insert is inserted in the paper? Red Plum sounds familiar, but sorting through my junk mail, couldn't find anything. I get coupons/ads from Ralph's and the like, but i don't buy the paper. Is it worth it? It's just me and my husband, so we don't really need as much food, just need to save as newlyweds aren't famous for having money, right? ^__^
Yes, they are in the middle section of the Sunday paper where you get the Target, CVS, etc adds. My little secret for don't have to get the paper. I sometimes get multiple inserts just by stopping by coffee houses, i.e. Starbucks and riffling thru the paper bin. I have found at least 2 extra inserts every time I have been in there. =) Worth a shot if you don't want to subscribe or buy the paper. I also would suggest getting onto b/c they have a huge coupon database and they have IP's (internet printables) that can be just as good if not better than the manufacturer's Qs! And... (wink) you can always load Q's from onto your Ralph's card. =) I hope I didn't confuse you. I just wish I would have found coupon'ing earlier in my wedded life. =) Granted it was only 5 1/2 years ago, but I think about all the savings we could've experienced. However, I know that God has introduced this to me now to help me save money for our growing family. God Bless!
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