Wednesday, October 29

CVS Challenge @ Keeping the Kingdom First **UPDATED**

Here are a list of other people's scenarios for the CVS Challenge. Basically, the rules are spend $5 or less dollars out of pocket and roll your ECB's every week. I like to check them out to get an idea of what I would like to do! It's great to get a feel of the CVS program. There are some people who get amazing deals! Hope it helps. I will probably post my scenarios on here tomorrow!

***Here are my scenarios***

Transaction #1
$ 4.00 - 4 soyjoy bars @ $1 ea. (earn $4 ecb's)
$11.98 - 2 shavers @ $5.99 ea. (donate, earn $8 ecb's)
$ 5.00 - 1 Sudafed PE ($5 towards spend $20, earn $10)
$ 6.00 - 1 Theraflu ($6 towards above)
$ 4.00 - 2 packs of Ricola drops ($4.00 towards above)

- $5.00 $5 off $30 purchase (found this in my inbox! Wahoo)
-$10.00 ECB's that I have
- $1.00 BOGO soyjoy
- $4.00 2 $2 off shavers
- $1.50 any 1 sudafed PE
- $2.00 any 1 Theraflu (plus rebate available)
- $1.00 off 2 Ricolas

$ 6.48 Subtotal
$ 1.24 Tax
$ 7.72 OOP - Earn $12 in ECB's.

*Note: I have spent $15/$20 to get the $10...but I will get it next transaction!*

Transaction #2
$11.98 2 Arm & Hammer Detergents (BOGO)
$ 5.99 1 shavers @ $5.99 ea. (might keep for guests, earn $4 ecbs)
$ 5.00 1 Sudafed PE (makes $20 spent, earn $10 ecbs)

-$12.00 from current transaction ECB's
-$2.00 off 1 shaver
-$1.50 off 1 Sudafed PE
-$5.99 (the buy one, get one deal-A&H)

**Hoping to be able to print 2 Arm & hammer Q's off the web to sweeten this deal!!**

$1.48 subtotal
$ .39 tax
$1.87 OOP, earn $14 in ECB's

To to sum it up:
$22.00 ECB's spent
$26.00 ECB's Earned
$53.95 in product/sale prices
$ 9.58 Total OOP & eligable for Theraflu rebate, $4 I think ($6-$2 q offer says)

The Items:
Soyjoy - I have never had them, but I thought they were worth the try!
Shavers - We will donate 2 packs and I will keep one for when we have male visitors (mainly grandpa's - I think they are men's shavers)
Sudafed PE - We will use
Theraflu - Never had, but it's free after the rebate, we'll see
Ricola - We will use
Arm & hammer detergent - Love this stuff. My M-I-L had it when we went back to visit. Love the smell for some crazy reason!

Conclusion: We will more than like use all of this at some point or another. =) Hope this helps!

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